The Bears Are Going to Have Some Trouble Adjusting to London

Brad Biggs at the Chicago Tribune writes about the jet lag that comes with traveling overseas:

“If the Bears feel anything on Friday afternoon like a group of sportswriters did Thursday afternoon, it could make for a rough practice in final preparation for Sunday’s game against the Buccaneers at Wembley Stadium.”

“It’s a primary reason why the Bucs departed Monday morning for London.”

I was sitting at lunch in Chicago with two friends yesterday, one from Autralia and the other from Wales.  Both are obviously very experienced world travelers and I’ve made such trips a couple times myself.  So I asked the question, “The Bears play Sunday.  They’re leaving today.  Will they be ready to…”  Before I even finished I was cut off.  My Welsh friend said, “No way,” with the Australian nodding.

My own more limited experience jibes with theirs.  Some players are going to handle this really well.  But some aren’t and it only takes a few to make for some really bad football.